This post is a message from the CATCA Election Nomination Committee.
We are pleased to announce that the CATCA General Body unanimously elected the following as the new executive board for the term 2015-2017:
Mr. Barnaba Joseph Jesudasan…………………...President
Mr. Gnanasekaran Sakthivel (Edison)……..…..Vice President
Mr. Bergin Panimayam……….…………………………Secretary
Mrs. Flora Peri………………………………...………………Joint Secretary
Mr. Francis Sammanasu…………………………….….Treasurer
Mr. Paul Pushparaj…………………………..................General Director
Mr. Peter Shelly Adaikalam……………………….....General Director
Mr. Arokiyaselvam Ganaprakasam………….….General Director
Mr. John Kennedy Joseph……………………….….General Director
Mr. Rajesh Francis will continue to serve on the board in the capacity of past President.
Rev. Fr. Antony Dhas was nominated and unanimously approved by the newly elected board as the new Spiritual Director.
Fr. Antony Dhas was ordained a priest on May 04, 2002. He belongs to a congregation called, Society of the Catholic Apostolate (popularly known as “Pallottines”). After his ordination, he was appointed as the secretary of the Provincial Superior of the Pallottines in Bangalore.
In 2004, he proceeded to Rome, Italy to pursue his studies in Bible. After four years of studies in Rome, he returned in 2008 to Mysore, Karnataka, and taught in the Seminary of the Pallottines until 2011. Then he worked for a brief period as Parish Priest of St. Anthony’s Church, Secunderabad.
In January 2013, he came to United States to pursue his doctoral studies in Bible at the Catholic University of America, Washington DC. He is currently staying at the Pallottines House in West Hyattsville, MD.
He can be contacted at:; 301-379-0131 (cell); 301-448-1884 (landline).
We take this opportunity to thank the past board of directors for their trust and confidence in our ability to serve our community independently in a just and fair manner.
We also wish the new board all the very best in their endeavors for the benefit of the Capital Area Tamil Catholics.
Thank you,
CATCA Nomination Committee for the term of office 2015-2017.
Mr. Johnson Perianayagam - Chair
Mr. Stanislaus Stephan, Member
Mr. Antony Johan, Member
Mr. Justin Benedict, Member
Mrs. Jeritta Rajkumar, Member