
Create a family environment for every member to practice with pride their Catholic Faith, Tamil Culture and create a Eucharistic community as Disciples of Christ.


Our CATCA organization has grown in faith and membership since its inception in 2010. We have generated a lot of energy among our catholic community and we must all be proud of what we have accomplished so far.

As we renew our commitment to our CATCA community, it is time for us to enhance our focus on the key goals of our organization. With this in mind, our current board will focus on four key goals to enhance our experience and to make a difference in our and other people’s lives.

Faith: We will continue to grow by having Faith as our core focus and organizing programs that help all our members practice and grow in our Catholic Faith

Charity: We will strive to establish a culture that nurtures love, caring and sharing for the needy. We will do this by increasing our focus outwards by attracting the non-members to CATCA, and by reaching out to help local Catholics and children in India to get Education.

Leadership/Discipleship: We will foster a culture of ownership by encouraging and empowering our members including children to develop their leadership skills.

Community/Unity:  As part of strengthening our unity we will continue to enhance the experience of our social gatherings by promoting faith, language and culture.

To achieve our objectives, we will continue what we have done in the past and take up some key initiatives below:

Faith Charity
- Tamil Mass, Monthly GIFT prayer
- Yearly/Bi-Yearly Retreat
- Encourage and facilitate local Anbium activities (CCD, Mass..)
- Joint meet of TCA in US/East coast
- Education, MMF, emulate wereachout.org,
- Assist one or more kids in India for Education(Matching Gifts program)
- Adopt a charitable organization in India
- Feed the hungry, Visit a shelter
Leadership / Discipleship Community / Unity

- Enhance Quality of all CATCA events starting with starting on-time
- Create opportunities for all members to lead and to develop their talents
- Leadership seminar…
- Focus on Kids; talent program once a year
- Year 1;  Bible Quiz; Speech
- Year 2;  Debate

- Easter, Picnic, Assumption, Christmas
- Musical fundraising event
- Take first step in getting a place for ourselves either by enhancing relationship with a Parish or by taking initiative to acquire a location

How we operate

Focus on Non-members:

  • True to our mission, our focus will be to encourage all CATCA members to be good shepherds who go out of their way to inspire and guide non-members in the right direction and encourage them to be part of our CATCA family.

Members and Committee Leaders:

  • To enroll or help non-members, all of us have to play an active role; the board will encourage and create opportunities for everyone to serve and be good disciples in their own right.
  • As we have done in the past, we will form various committees where each one of us will part of, and operate to help organize the events and to achieve our goals. The committee leaders with interact with the other members and the board to achieve their objectives. Committees will be formed based on interest expressed and after conversation with the members.

Board Members:

  • The board will focus on strengthening our organization by establishing relationship with our local diocese, other government and commercial organizations for stewardship, and with other Tamil Catholic Associations in the United States. We will use all the relationships to give back to our community through various charitable avenues.
  • The board members will carry out the administration duties with utmost professionalism and transparency. They will also ensure strict compliance of all legal regulations of non-profit organizations.


How we operate

How we operate


How we measure ourselves

Any organization needs to meet some goals to be successful including non-profit organizations. We at CATCA will measure our success based on these parameters:

  • Membership: Membership is critical to our success. The more members we have the more we can do for our community and better will be the recognition.
  • Charity donations made and Contributions received: Having grown over the last few years, it is time for us to turn our focus outwards and start helping other people in need. The next two years we will focus on adopting a strategy to provide both financial and non-financial assistance to deserving candidates. We will measure our success by how much we are able to give.
  • Mass and Function turnout: Turnout indicates how our programs are received by our members. If we cannot attract our own members, we are unlikely to attract non-members to join us. We will work on increasing the number of people who attend our events and by their active involvement.
    • Kid’s participation: Every child is a God’s gift to us and his blessed offspring. Our organization will help to grow and nurture these wonderful treasures of us by providing opportunities to grow in faith and expose their talents. We will provide a stage for them to demonstrate their talents without fear of failure. We will make every effort to encourage each one of our children to perform during our social events and measure our success by their participation.
  • Relationships: Our network is instrumental to our success. We will measure our success by the number of relationship we establish and the quality of those relationships.


How we measure ourselves

How we measure ourselves


We welcome you to join us to achieve our objectives to grow in our Catholic Faith and Tamil culture, strengthen our community and to be disciples or leaders in our own area of focus by reaching out to others to make a difference.